Thursday, December 19, 2019

In this compare and contrast paper I will highlight the...

Compare and Contrast Paper Jeremiah Barwick Liberty CCOU 201 In this compare and contrast paper I will highlight the differences and commonalities between Larry Crabb’s biblical model of counseling, theories, and techniques of Rodgerian theory called Rodgers’ Client-Centered Therapy (RCCT), Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT), and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT). All of these theories are a form of psychotherapy. Couselors today use techniques such as pharmacological intervention and cognitive and behavioral therapy. They are not wrong in using these techniques, but rather should seek the Lord and take a biblical approach in therapy. Part 1: Goal of Christian Counseling In part one – â€Å"A Few†¦show more content†¦The model I am proposing might be labeled Spoiling the Egypians† (Crabb, 1977). Part 3: Basic Strategy Two basic strategies or concepts are found in part three – â€Å"Basic Strategy: How to Understand and Deal with Personal Problems† in Larry Crabb’s Book. The first concept is â€Å"needs† and the second concept is â€Å"motivation†. People have needs of significance and security. In reality only Jesus Christ can give a person significance and security. Philippians 4:19 in the King James Bible states, â€Å"But my God shall supply all our needs according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus† (KJV, Bible). Larry Crabb states that, â€Å"†¦motivation is the drive or urge to meet our needs. It is that sense of momentum that impels us to do something to become significant and secure. We are willing to expend tremendous personal energy in an effort to satisfy these needs. We call this profound, compulsive willingness to meet needs motivation† (Crabb, 1977). On the topic of motivation in Christ, Poverbs 3:5-6 in the Bible states: â€Å"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths† (Bible). When it comes to personal significance, security, and motivation, the three strategies besides Larry Crabb’s strategies contrast Larry Crabb’s basic end goal. Ellis’sShow MoreRelatedA Project On Acquiring And Sharing Data Within The Cmmi Research Community1054 Words   |  5 PagesThank you for providing me the opportunity to review this collaborative proposal submitted by Georgia Tech and Northwester U entitled: â€Å"Workshop on Acquiring and Sharing Data within the CMMI Research Community,† CMMI - 1652999. 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