Saturday, October 19, 2019

Art Project Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Art Project - Assignment Example The is still far from being settled despite the president’s new approach to enhance national production, exports and job creation for the millions of the unemployed youth. Regardless, the green color appearing on the letter symbolizes a number of positive steps which the Obama government has taken to address some of the most important economic issues such as his signing of a tax relief program in the last quarter of 2010, expanding welfare benefits, staying previous tax cuts, and capping the estate tax on figures under $10 million (Dunne, 2013). In addition, even though Obama’s signing of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act in 2009 was positive in helping to secure more financial support for infrastructure development and job creation across the country, the thin red outline of letter â€Å"E† symbolizes the pitfalls that came with the seemingly positive policy. The stimulus package and the universal health care program have conspired to paint the president as a heavy spender on social development issues than the economy can sustain. The end result has been poor performance on budget deficits â€Å"BD† and with a careful integration of red and green colors coming up every time the economy is mentioned, reducing federal budget shortfalls so as to support poor citizens; education programs and the expansion of infrastructure have blurred the president’s image (Morris, 2012). Health Care is represented by â€Å"HC.† It appears very close to the economy in terms of the president’s priorities. Since 2009, the primary health care policy of President Obama is the enactment of the universal health care scheme funded by the national government. Similarly, the use of the green color symbolizes the wide reprieve that previously uninsured Americans have so far achieved under the new system. The Affordable Care Act intends to improve the health of the American citizens by enhancing the rate of enrolment in health care programs through various government subsidies

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